• Always puts the quality at the first place and strictly supervise the product quality of every process.Always puts the quality at the first place and strictly supervise the product quality of every process.


    Tindakake kualitas utamane lan ngawasi kualitas produk kanthi ketat ing saben proses.
  • Our Factory has grown into a Premier ISO9001:2008 Certified manufacturer of High quality, Cost-Effective productsOur Factory has grown into a Premier ISO9001:2008 Certified manufacturer of High quality, Cost-Effective products


    Pabrik kami wis berkembang dadi pabrikan Certified ISO9001: 2008, produk bermutu, Efektif Efektif
  • Dongguan city and has around 180 staffs and 2 factories around 10,000 square meters now.Dongguan city and has around 180 staffs and 2 factories around 10,000 square meters now.


    Kutha Dongguan lan udakara 180 staf lan 2 pabrik udakara 10.000 meter persegi saiki.

Babagan Kita

RAISING-Elec sing didegake ing taun 2000 mapan ing Kota Houjie, kutha Dongguan lan udakara 180 staf lan 2 pabrik udakara 10.000 meter persegi saiki. Kita minangka produsen profesional OEM / ODM fokus ing stamping lan mesin logam & CNC, sekaligus, kita uga nyedhiyakake layanan dhukungan lan menehi dhukungan "one stop" kanggo para klien kanggo kabeh seri logam, kayata casting casting, pengencang…